Security Coordinator, Intelligence & Investigation at Seplat Energy

Purpose of the Job:

Responsible for the security of assets, facilities, operations, and personnel (employees and contractors) who work in, and for Seplat at the Sapele division.

Principal Accountabilities:

  • Develop and implement strategies for acquiring and managing proactive security information which will be distilled into actionable intelligence for the successful and positive deployment to Seplat operational areas.
  • Identify, assess and manage security risks to Seplat to ensure that assets, personnel, and operations are protected from crime, violence, and other business-related risks.
  • Provide and share intelligence reports with relevant internal and external stakeholders to ensure that assets, personnel, and operations are protected from crime, violence, and other business-related risks within the Western asset.
  • Maintain relationships and network with relevant Government agencies and other security stakeholders in support of Seplat operations ensuring that Seplat derives the highest standards of security services while complying with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, VPSHR.
  • Deliver the highest quality, Value-adding security services in support of Seplat’s operation the to ensure achievement of business goals.
  • Provide the Security Manager support with regular intelligence and management reports to guide decisions on security issues.
  • Implement procedures for the effective management of security-related emergencies and crises in support of business continuity as directed by the Corporate Security Manager.
  • Coordinate investigation of security incidents, facilitate prosecutions of offenders, handle security audits and ensure implementation of recommended security remedial actions within his AOR
  • Provide VIP protection services for the Leadership and Management team members and other designated VIPs that may be resident in or on a business visit to the West.
  • Develop, and implement support for the defense of annual security budgets in respect of security activities in the Seplat.
  • Coordinate the development of Security contract plans and manage all security contracts assigned to you.
  •  Supervises over 4 contract security supervisors and over 25 contract guards and a varying number of Government Security personnel.
  • Job holder supervises security operations within the Western asset ensuring that adequate and cost-effective measures are implemented to protect staff and offices.
  • Role requires interface with a range of internal and external stakeholders including asset managers, production team leaders, Government security agents, and a broad spectrum of community leaders whose support and buy-in are critical to the success of security goals.
  • Position interfaces with the MDs and Base Managers for Eastern and Western Assets and other members of the leadership team.

Relationship: (Who are the job holder’s most important external/internal contacts and for what purpose?)

Internal: All Seplat staff, Sectional Heads and Contract Holders. Job holder consults regularly with the Base Managers, MDs of Eastern and Western Asset, CR Managers, visiting GMs, and Western asset personnel over security services being provided. Incumbent interfaces with other Leadership teams and general staff being the direct recipients and beneficiaries of security services. Job holder maintains contact with SCM/Finance to secure their input into the contracting and budget development and defense process and to fast-track payments for security service providers.

External: Government Security agents- JTF, Police, SSS, and other Law enforcement agents. Security Staff of other companies through the OPTS and NPDC.

  • Government Security agencies remain the most critical element of the industry’s security and intelligence architecture on whose resources the Oil and gas companies rely to create the enabling security environment. Consequently, the Job holder is required to maintain close contact with these categories of external stakeholders to seek their support and necessary approvals.
  • Contacts with NPDC will be as directed to get timely approvals for Security budgets and contracts.
  • Contact with OPTS is the purpose of intelligence sharing, bench marking, and peer reviews.

Job Context and Challenges:

(Identify the most complex or demanding aspects of the job)

  • Seplat is operating in a complex security environment in Lagos and the Niger Delta where militancy, kidnapping, pipeline sabotage, and crude oil theft are the norm rather than the exception
  • With growing agitation for economic empowerment and a greater share of the oil resources, oil-producing and pipeline communities in the Niger Delta frequently resort to unlawful disruptive activities to achieve their goals
  • Within the context of the ever-increasing and multi-faceted security challenges of the Niger Delta, Seplat requires competent and experienced personnel with problem-solving and people management skills to effectively provide actionable intelligence and protect the company’s assets and personnel,
  • The role of the Security Coordinator, Intelligence and Investigation is to provide actionable intelligence that will help prevent militancy, crude oil theft, and sabotage of the company’s assets.
  • Job is full of security risks and requires a job holder that is ready to take personal risks and make the required sacrifice.
  • The high level of insecurity in the operating environment occasioned by militancy, kidnapping for Ransom, secret cult activities, general lawlessness, and community-related criminality. Ensuring the effective protection of company assets in such an environment is a huge challenge.
  • Ensuring that Government Security agencies conform to standard working procedures and respect the Voluntary Principles on Human Rights and Security.
  • Quality control service providers, ensuring service levels are maintained.

Job Knowledge and Qualifications:

(Indicate minimum knowledge and essential background qualifications necessary to perform the job competently)

  • Sound knowledge of Security Management in an industrial setting. A minimum of 10 years of security experience at least 5 of which must have been in a senior position in an oil and gas company.
  • A good military or security background will be an advantage.
  • A good bachelor’s degree.


  • Excellent communication skills and leadership skills.
  • Information systems competency and computer literacy
  • Ability to conceptualize the application of new information or knowledge in an area of responsibility
  • Ability to develop practical solutions for security issues encountered
  • Analyze risks and controls using relevant methodologies and models
  • Logical knowledge/reasoning and analytical skills

Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors

The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that the QHSE Management System is implemented within the operations under their control. The incumbent must actively monitor the workplace to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained. Where risks are identified the incumbent must ensure that these risks are controlled, so far as is reasonably practicable.

The incumbent’s duties include:

a) ensuring that employees, contractors, and visitors are aware of relevant QHSE procedures

b) establishing that all equipment, plant, and substances used are suitable for the task and are kept in good working condition: this includes the regular maintenance, calibration, and servicing of equipment

c) providing adequate training, information, instruction, and supervision to ensure that work is conducted without harm to people or the environment

d) taking immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to people environment/equipment and quality arising from the work activity

e) bringing to the prompt attention of project management any QHSE issue that requires their attention

f) ensuring that all incidents are properly recorded and reported and that an investigation is carried out to establish and rectify root causes

g) actively participating in the QHSE management system.

Application Closing Date
6th September, 2022.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

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